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Why It Is Important to Have a Living Will

Have you ever thought about what would happen if you were in a critical medical situation and unable to communicate your healthcare wishes? True, it’s a very scary thought. But unfortunately, it’s the reality for a lot of people. That’s why it’s important that before your health is completely compromised to a point where you can no longer make decisions yourself, you have a living will stating specifically how and what kind of treatments you want.

What is a living will?

A living will is a clear set of instructions with specific details to your family and doctors about what you want to be done concerning your health care. Living wills are often referred to as advance directives. They are necessary to enable your family and doctors to fulfill your wishes when you cannot due to health issues. While it can be uncomfortable considering a living will, there are several reasons you should have one in place.

Reasons to set up a living will

Refusal of treatments you don’t want

Many people have reservations about certain treatments. Some of these are because of their religious beliefs, and others are personal preferences. For instance, some people would ask that they are not plugged into a life support machine in any circumstances or fed through a feeding tube. Whatever unique preferences you have for social, religious or personal reasons, a living will give you a choice over your healthcare options.

Prevents argument among family members

Even though your family loves and cares about you, opinions will differ regarding some decisions regarding your healthcare. To avoid unnecessary divisions at a time when you won’t be in the best position to resolve disputes, it’s best to have a living will.

Eliminate financial problems for your family

Having a living will help you make some decisions that, if not made, will cost your family a lot of money in the long run. For instance, long-term medical care can be very expensive, and not planning ahead with a living will may leave your family in debt. By preparing a living will, you can specify contingency options regarding your health to help ease the financial burden on your family.

Ensures doctors follow your wishes

When you have a living will, your doctors will do exactly what you want rather than what they think is best given the situation. With a living will in place, you are guaranteed to get the exact treatments you always wanted.

Make decisions easy for your family

By leaving instructions and directives concerning your health, your family does not have to make difficult decisions in the future. For example, in a situation where you have been on life support or in a coma for way too long, it becomes very difficult to decide whether or not to pull the plug on the costly treatment. However, if you have a living will, it takes the sting out of potentially tough choices from your loved ones, as you will have already decided well in advance.

Take control of your health by setting up a living will today

By setting up a living will, you can take control of your health and get the care of your choice. Don’t wait for a crisis to occur; it may be too late. Take a proactive step by preparing a living will. Schedule a consultation today to get started.